When I attended the Elder School in Patterson, He gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the BORG. I was enthralled with "his sincerity", talking about a splitter group from Romania and they were cut off from the Org in 1950 when the Soviet Union took over. Then when the Soviet Union collapsed and communication was re-established, these Brothers did not accept the changes to the Org (he mentioned smoking being a big issue). "It took a week of long nightly discussions and prayers" but "I always addressed them as Brothers", "Then me and another Brother with me were able to convince 3 of the 4 prominent Brothers in charge, representing some 75% percent of the publishers,(some 5000 people) to come back to the Organization. "
"The moral of this experience, do not be quick to Judge your Brothers who have doubts. Be patient, listen carefully, and display love"(he read Jude 22, "show mercy to those who have doubts"), "Jehovah will Bless your efforts". I was in awe! He had me and every Elder in attendance! We were listening to his every word, you could hear a pin drop....
Then he took a long pause, everyone was clapping hysterically, Then he said; "I have some Counsel for You Brothers about Sports, in particular a certain game where they mimic ancient gladiators, by putting plastic armor and pads, then brutally attacking their opponents, trying to injure them by going after an egg shaped ball." (Football)
I then came out of my "hypnotic state", and said to myself; WTF did he just say?
After he was done, we were dismissed. Many Elders were talking about the evils of Football. I kept my mouth shut for a little while(I really love Football). However, on the shuttle ride back to the Airport (this was a Van driven by a male Bethelite), there were
12 other Elders in this Van and I had to ask the driver... "How do the Bethelites feel about Pro Football?" He said: "Did you guys get that speech from Bro. Losch? I said yes. He then said: "Other members on the Governing Body do not share his view!" In fact, we here call him "NFL", No Football Losch". Some of us laughed, while others did not think that as funny. Then the driver looked at me in the mirror and said: By the way, I'm a Jets fan!"